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The Armory

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The Armory360

DramaScape Free Volume 05

The Armory is a 24 x 20 inch, full color floorplan of an Armory, with Hex, Square and No overlay.

Now includes a 360° View of the map.

 Game Masters need quality maps for their miniatures. DramaScape™ is committed to bringing Game Masters the maps they need.

This product is a single room armory. The entrance to the armory is at the north center of the map. The armory has a massive crack down the center in the concrete and smaller cracks going across the map. The room features multiple tables all with briefcases, guns, cartridges, and crates on top of them.

This room makes a great spot for a firefight. Multiple tables can be kicked or pushed over to provide cover. Ammo and guns are plentiful as long as you can get through the suppressive fire to reach them. Opening briefcases and crates add an element of surprise, since you have no idea what is in them, but their contents could be helpful. 

As such, this makes a great setting for a climatic last stand battle with an evil villain and his guards in a modern game. The villain would be aware of what weapon does what, and what the briefcases and crates hold, so his knowledge of the room and its contents would make him a deadlier opponent in this instance.

The armory also makes a great way point room in a modern adventure, the players get to regroup and reload before the rest of the adventure. Maybe the guards catch up to them, and a firefight ensues with guards entering from the top of the map trying to retake the room, and the Player Characters have to hold them off.

The zip file includes the VTT file for use online.

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Opiniones (6)
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March 6th, 2020
This is one of many the excellent maps in this series. They are works of beauty. Very professionally done. An eye for detail has made these maps. [...]
April 6th, 2015
I really liked the armory for use with the relatively lame Cortex Marvel rpg. This map can be used for modern or futuristic no problem. Worked and printed like a charm. Getting this for free was a steal! P.S. Dramascape: You charge too much [...]
February 8th, 2014
I was very disappointed with this product. The 2D version is extremely simplistic and does not give good detailing, the over-all tone and feeling is gray. The 3D version is good, and makes it much more obvious that this is a modern day armory. I would [...]
February 22nd, 2013
Not to bad. I was searching for maps/tilesets and this came up. It could be used for a storage locker, warehouse, armory, bunker or just about any of those types of sterile looking sci-fi or modern adventure map environments. It wasn't quite what I was [...]
December 23rd, 2012
A nicely-crafted product. I got it for the purpose of finding furnishings for an (unlined) deckplan I'm creating for a PC-Party starship. I especially liked the stacks of briefcases (which - slightly scaled-up - work nicely as luggage in storage) and [...]
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File Last Updated:
November 29, 2012
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde September 01, 2012.