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Toys for the Sandbox 51: The Poet's HutClick to magnify

Toys for the Sandbox 51: The Poet's Hut

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Peace on Earth has been in the works forever, and Sheldrian Cloudsinger has been working on it almost that long. But now Poet Cloudsinger’s efforts to fix the world is getting the black god of anger worked up and Orc Chieftain, Defric Ran’drag, has decided the Poet must die. On Defric’s side he’s got his sometime lover and full time assassin, Volk of the solid black eyes. On the Cloudsinger’s side is Grastlian, the dwarf with the singing axe. From his Poet’s Hut, strung and chinked with melodic bits, the power of the Poet streams through it all. The party can gain permanent power at the hut if they manage to add to The Poet’s song, so, everybody, listen up. The wind will stir the song fragments and teach the way to go. But remember, basically it’s  a soul trip so celebrate Peace. Pick up your own Singing Dwarven Axe. Boost the flag! It’s Power to the Peaceful!

Toys for the Sandbox is not a module, it is not a campaign setting, instead it is a framework for GMs to use to reinforce their own imaginations. Sometimes players zig when you expect them to zag, other times they take your plot point into a back alley and leave it penniless and bleeding. Each week we present a new location with a map and some flavor text. In addition we add 4 NPCs with a bit of history and a few simple thoughts on how to stat them for whatever game you are playing. There are also 6 plot hooks each with 3 ways to twist them. Added to that there is usually a table or two filled with rumors and encounters.

Great for use with Legends of Anglerre, Strands of Fate, Dungeon World, Risus: The Anything RPG, FUDGE, Harnworld, and easily adaptable to Dungeons, and Dragons, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Pathfinder, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, The One Ring, HERO, GURPS, BRP, and many others.


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File Last Updated:
December 24, 2012
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde December 24, 2012.