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World Building

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Originally designed for a seminar conducted by author and game designer Julie Ann Dawson at Suny College, World Building 101 provides both writers and RPG designers with an easy-to-follow process through which to create a functional and believable setting. Whether you are creating a small town for your cozy murder mystery or an entire galaxy for your science fiction epic, you'll find the methodology outlined in this book essential to keeping your world building on the right track. Instead of offering a step-by-step blueprint, this booklet provides writers with a new way of thinking in order to make sure that your setting is realistic and consistent. With this product, you will:

*Learn how to avoid the "kewl" factor that can cripple the functionality of your setting.
*Develop a clearly defined logic that will help shape your setting in a natural manner.
*Define the important aspects of your setting that will shape everything from your setting's environment to your characters' belief systems.

This booklet is divided into five sections. Each section includes short writing exercises to help you put the concepts in this booklet into practice. You'll also be able to follow The Process in Practice as the author summarizes how the original workshop attendees applied the process to their collective world building exercise.

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Jason C. [Regelmässiger Rezensent]
January 14th, 2011
There are many worldbuilding products available to a GM, and this is one of the simplest, cheapest, and easiest to follow. It's 16 pages long, including workbook-style sections that leave plenty of room for people to write their own notes in. There's [...]
August 23rd, 2006
I found this to be a valuable reference work and easy to follow. Highly recommended for those who want a lot of relaity in their world design<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisf [...]
July 15th, 2006
It does a good job of promoting the idea that when creating a world (or a game) you should have a consistant vision for it instead of basing a whole setting or system around one or two 'kewl' things. It should have gone into more detail about the case [...]
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August 17, 2012
Dieses Produkt wurde am July 03, 2006 in unseren Katalog aufgenommen.