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Aberrant: Fear and Loathing

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For every nova out there in our poisonous world, there are a million little people who make him worth a damn.

Duke Rollo, the direct and uncensored gonzo journalist of the world of Aberrant is back with more irreverent insights into the ironies of life in a nova-loving world. Yr. Corresp. goes live to Ibiza, Addis Ababa and to a Halloween party where he has a few choice words to say about all the fat sweaty Divis Mal wannabes he finds there.

If you've seen one berserk, nightmarish, balls-out inebriated hell party, you've seen... well, one.

Rollo states it as bluntly as it can be stated. Find out what the world of novas looks like from the perspective of the normal guy.

Hidden Lore

Release: Originally published in June 2000, this is the final product to take place in the setting's starting year of 2008.

The contents of the product are an obvious reference to gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson. Thompson frequently used the pen name "Raoul Duke," leading to the name of this book's protagonist, Duke Rollo. The name of the book itself is also a reference to Thompson's most recognizable work, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Art: The cover and interiors are credited to "R. Thompson after R. Stedman." Artist Ron Thompson -- a pseudonym for creative director Rich Thomas -- specifically emulated the distinctive sketchy, distorted style of the Ralph Stedman illustrations which frequently accompanied Hunter S. Thompson's original articles.

The cover shows Duke Rollo with a steering wheel clutched in his fingers, with what appears to be Mefistofaleez behind him to the left, and a demonic-looking Caestus Pax to the right.

New Edition

Cover of Swine and Cheese Party, et. alThe latest edition of Aberrant from Onyx Path, Trinity Continuum: Aberrant, features the return of Duke Rollo in a new set of essays in Swine and Cheese Party, et al.

StoryPath Nexus

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September 20th, 2007
A laugh a minute while reading. It's a great look at the humor within the game of Aberrant. This book is not required to play the game, but is a great addition anyways. Shows one what could be done with a character in this great game. [...]
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File Last Updated:
October 05, 2004
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde October 05, 2004.