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Future Armada: WayfarerClick to magnify

Future Armada: Wayfarer

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Deluxe Starship Designs

Scout Ship

Wayfarer is a state of the art Seeker-class scout ship - a reconnaissance and surveillance vessel built for long range operations. It is designed to be operated by either a single pilot or pilot/co-pilot team, though a 4-6 person variant is provided. This small vessel is approximately 120ft long, with a wingspan about 20ft longer, and employs some of the latest progress-level seven technology. The cargo bay also contains a custom hover car for more stealthy reconnaissance or just off-duty cruising.

To round things out, two additional small craft are included. The first is the "TOAD" Transport for Omniphibious Advanced Deployment. This military transport was developed to quickly deploy and recover a platoon of troops or recon team and vehicle on the battlefield. These sturdy craft employ massive, rotating engines for high-G vertical take off and landing. The armored Toad hull is designed to land on anything from solid ground, to swamp, to calm water; and can maneuver in space or atmosphere with equal agility.

TUG-4103 is an old freight hauler was made to pull long trains of unmanned cargo pods (also included). It requires only a single crew and operates exclusively in space - sporting a powerful set of ion engines but no atmospheric thrusters. Though not glamorous or adventurous, it is a common sight in the space lanes and should be useful as either a supporting character or a main player just starting out. Complete stats, maps, and bonus art are provided for all of the vessels.

The .zip file contains the everything you need for these ships:

  • Wayfarer Overview
    • 14 page PDF file detailing the ship, interior locations, and captain.
    • Open Game License stats provided for the vessel, crew, and hover car carried in the cargo bay.
    • Includes the Shadowhawk variant which sleep six and sports a darker paint scheme plus turreted guns.
  • Tug-4103 & TOAD Overviews
    • 7 page PDF file that covers the same aspects listed above, but for the freight hauler TUG-4103.
    • A similar 7 page PDF file for TOAD.
  • Map Book
    • Full-color 15 page PDF file containing complete interior maps for all ships.
    • Includes miniature-scale maps for tactical combat.
    • Broken into pages for easy printing.
  • Printer friendly, black and white version of the map book.
  • Composite maps of the ship interiors.
    • A 8.5x22 inch, 150 dpi, color JPEG image of the Wayfarer.
    • A 14x11 inch, 150 dpi, color JPEG image of Tug-4103.
    • A 16x11 inch, 150 dpi, color JPEG image of TOAD.
  • Fifteen rendered external shots are also included.

Sample documents and bonus art are available at

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Opiniones (11)
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September 9th, 2019
Really enjoyable read. Another fantastic product. Great detail and easily used in any sci-fi campaign. [...]
January 20th, 2009
A must have series. Only 1 page is dedicated to the d20 system the rest of the package, write up and maps, can be used with any SF game and the maps can be used for buildings and other settings too. I WILL HAVE THEM ALL :-) [...]
September 9th, 2008
The best ship deck plans ever, and for four bucks you get plans for a one-man scout, a one-man cargo tug, and a bar, complete with neighborhood overview. Very, very nice. You simply cannot go wrong with Future Armada-I'm bought all but twoof the [...]
August 16th, 2008
The entire Uture Armada series is the best looking tile set currently available on the market today. Evenrythign is virtually perfect, the full color 3-D art work, the information on the starship, the highly detailed tiles. If you are looking to for a [...]
March 2nd, 2008
The Future Armada series is awesome! Each set includes a detailed write-up of one or two ships, including diagrams, deck plans, and d20 stats. The deck plans are provided in a small-scale image so that you can see the whole layout of the ship on a sing [...]
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RYN 4103
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File Last Updated:
March 07, 2011
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde April 14, 2005.