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Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars

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Gifted with power by the Celestial Incarna Luna, the Lunar Exalted were once the mates of the Solar Exalted and trusted Stewards of the Old Realm. Then, after the Lawgivers went mad with power and their Dragon-Blooded troops rose up to slay them, the Lunars retreated to the edges of Creation, biding their time and massing their forces to one day bring down the hated Realm.

With the Solars returning en masse, have the Lunars waited too long to bring down the old order and replace it, or does the return of their ancient mates signal that the time is finally at hand for vengeance?

A character sourcebook for Exalted featuring:

  • Details of the Creation-spanning Silver Pact, its goals and its factions
  • Everything players and Storytellers need to generate Lunar Exalted characters, including their Charms and shapeshifting Knacks
  • Rules for the chimerae, mad Lunars whose minds and bodies have been twisted by the Wyld

Note: The Black & White print editions of this book are not full-bleed. Because of printing requirements there is a small white border around the edge of the pages.

Collect all the Manuals of Exalted Power for White Wolf's Exalted

Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded The Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals The Manual of Exalted Power: The Infernals Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals

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September 23rd, 2013
The book does suffer from White Wolf's continuing indexing failures, but it is a must for running a game where you intend any Lunar interaction for your group, or if you want to run a Lunar game. Some of the Lunar rules are a bit cumbersome, but consi [...]
May 4th, 2007
Well designed, and gives more background since the 1st version. It is obviousthat the guys at White Wolf did their studies in the forums and listened to the players that provided feedback. Certain things are still unclear and some of the mechanics ar [...]
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40.35 MB
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Para los libros impresos, hemos realizado escaneos de alta resolución de una copia física original del libro. Esencialmente, hemos remasterizado digitalmente el libro. Por desgracia, la calidad resultante en tales libros no es tan alta. Es el problema que tiene hacer una copia de una copia. El texto se puede leer, pero las ilustraciones empiezan a verse oscuras, pixeladas o carentes de tonos de gris. Las fotos pueden desarrollar patrones moiré. Especificamos claramente qué títulos impresos provienen de imágenes escaneadas de libros, para que puedas realizar una decisión de compra informada acerca de la calidad de lo que vas a recibir.
Formato original electrónico
Estos ebooks fueron creados a partir de los archivos originales de diseño digital y, por tanto, se pueden realizar búsquedas en todo su texto. Además, el tamaño de archivo tiende a ser más pequeño que el de los libros de imágenes escaneadas. LA mayoría de los libros más nuevos están en este formato. Tanto las versiones para descarga como para impresión de estos libros deberían tener una gran calidad.
File Last Updated:
December 14, 2012
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde April 04, 2007.