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Pass through any of the black holes that dot the universe and you enter Slipstream, a pocket universe of shattered worlds. Slipstream is home to myriad aliens, but it is also their prison, for there is no escape.

Amid the fragments of worlds rules the science and flavor of 1930s Saturday morning pulp serials, for Slipstream is a realm of square-jawed heroes, ray guns, weird science, and rocketships. It is a realm where the morals are black and white, where good triumphs over evil, and where danger lurks at every turn.

Ruling over Slipstream is the diabolical queen Anathraxa and her horde of Hand Maidens, Primals, and Minions. All bow before her, paying tribute to avoid destruction. None have had the courage to stand against her forces, at least not until now. For this is the role your heroes will take-bastions of light against a dark foe! Strap on your rocket pack, charge your ray gun, and prepare to blast off on wild and exotic adventures!

Slipstream is a pulp science fiction Plot Point setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.

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Opiniones (3)
Debates (3)
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Eric R January 07, 2021 5:19 pm UTC
I own the hardback and PDF, but I'd LOVE to have a print on demand softcover book. I bought the D&D Rules Cyclopedia that way, and it's a great option for a book to take the wear and tear of table use.
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Shane H January 07, 2021 5:47 pm UTC
I appreciate that. We don't do POD because the quality and cost just aren't up to the standards / price point we want to meet for our customers. I understand that can be a problem when a product isn't available, however. In the meantime, you can always print and bind a copy for personal use, of course. Thanks for the input!
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Kerry H December 30, 2020 3:07 pm UTC
The map the book references of the Slipstream pocket universe appears to be missing from both of the PDFs for this product.
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Shane H December 31, 2020 6:04 pm UTC
You're the first to say something after all these years. Wow! Fixing now. I'm adding it to the Zip file for both this version and the Player's Guide. Sorry for the trouble!
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Kerry H December 31, 2020 6:31 pm UTC
Again, no worries, and thanks for adding the missing map.
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Kerry H December 26, 2020 11:04 pm UTC
Is there a SWADE conversion document for this setting available?
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Shane H December 31, 2020 6:04 pm UTC
Hi Kerry! Not at this time, but we'll put it on the list. Sorry! Small company and all.
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Kerry H December 31, 2020 6:30 pm UTC
No worries, I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed it.
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Olaf B August 29, 2021 12:49 pm UTC
Hi there, Shane. Any progress on the SWADE conversion? Thanks for a quick reply.
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Shane H August 29, 2021 2:31 pm UTC
Afraid not... too much else going on right now, but still something I *want* to do at some point. :)
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File Last Updated:
December 31, 2020
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde December 02, 2008.