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Legend of the Five Rings: Legacy of Disaster

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For over a decade role-players have come to the Emerald Empire of Rokugan to learn the true meaning of honor and glory. Now it is your turn to take up your katana in the name of your Clan.

The minor daimyo Doji Haruki has always craved more power and prestige among those who possess true influence in the Imperial Court. Now, on the eve of his greatest and most promising court, mere hours before his moment truly arrives, his most valued treasure is stolen. The daisho of the great hero Seppun Daiori, gifted to Haruki by the Seppun family, is mysteriously absent. Fearful that his greatest triumph shall become the moment of his ruination, Haruki turns to a handful of samurai who arrived for court ahead of schedule, desperate for their aid in returning the daisho before the court concludes.

Legend of the Five Rings 4th Edition Role-Playing game is on sale now. This free adventure contains everything you need to get started.

In Rokugan, Honor is a force more powerful than steel.

Explore the world of Legend of the Five Rings in these new fiction eBooks...

Across the Burning Sands First Scroll The Eternal Knot Swords and Spirits Whispers of Shadow and Steel

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July 1st, 2017
Fantastic system. My freinds and I have been burned out by D&D lately and this was a great breath of fresh air. The adventure itself is very focused on investigation and a little inflexible about following the bread crumbs, and the resolution lea [...]
November 1st, 2014
A Free RPG Day product from a couple of years ago, its a shame that AEG hasn't considered writing more of these. The adventure is a great, quick introduction not just to the system for L5R (which is faithfully represented) but also to the world and the [...]
March 21st, 2014
I am new to l5r and this was the first glimps in to the game. I found the first section informative but lacking in details that only the rule books provide. The adventure it self was interesting and a good read. The third section with the pregenerated [...]
April 14th, 2013
Listen, I'm gonna be straight with you here. L5R's RPG isn't for everyone. Try this out before you actually buy anything to see if it's for you but i gotta tell you, it's a lot of fun if you can hack it. In this you'll find all the basics about [...]
July 5th, 2011
Nice introductory adventure to bring new players to the complex setting of L5R. [...]
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File Last Updated:
November 16, 2010
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde November 16, 2010.