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The Everyone Everywhere List

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The Everyone Everywhere List

Random Name Generator for all Role Playing Games

Enliven and enrich any role playing game- especially espionage, pulp, wild west, Oriental, vampire, cyberpunk, Cthulhu, or science fiction genres. The Everyone Everywhere List contains 31 pages of numerical lists of male, female, and surnames for all of these cultures: African (Eastern, Western, Southern, and Central), Arabic, Early American, Chinese, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Ancient Egyptian, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Ancient Greek, Hungarian, Indic, Iranian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Jewish-American, Mongolian, Norwegian, Polish, Polynesian, Portuguese, Ancient Roman, Romanian, Russian, Scottish, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, Vikings, Pulp/noir, pulp villains, and modern youth names for those meddling kids. Just roll a couple of percentile dice to name that new NPC,  and keep the game moving forward. Or peruse the lists to find a perfect name for your next character.

There are no Orc or Elf names, but fantasy players can generate rich, robust character names by finding a culture that matches your character's background and personality. Try Irish for rogues; Ancient Greek for wizards; Vikings, Mongolian, or Turk for fighters and barbarians; and nothing beats Ancient Egyptian for a lich or super villain.

Buy The Everyone Everywhere List for yourself to name your characters and their families and trusty cohorts. Buy it for your GM to enrich your game with interesting villains and NPCs- and to make your GM happy! For a few bucks, that's always a good move.

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Opiniones (11)
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February 17th, 2023
The information in this is pretty good, but the PDF quality is quite bad. Some pages were obviously scans with the table slightly crooked. The quality is also too bad for OCR to work properly, so if you were planning on doing any kind of search [...]
December 16th, 2021
Great content, not so great PDF. Pages 2–24 seem to be image scans (no OCR), while pages 25–31 seem to be retyped. [...]
April 8th, 2021
Bought a hard copy of this YEARS ago. Loved it. Rather than give your NPC's the "generic" Russian, German, Polish, Japanese names, it gave me the ability to create authentic sounding names... even for my own characters. Beats "Ja [...]
December 3rd, 2019
Can't comment on the quality of other lists, but when it comes to the Russian one, about a fifth of the list is filled with Lithuanian names, with some Latvian, Georgian and Armenian mixed in. Also, as with the Polish list, surnames come in mixed lists [...]
February 21st, 2017
The name lists are good. However, the PDF itself is poor quality. Some of the pages are text, but most are images that appear to be scanned. The image pages are slightly tilted and greyed out, and it is not possible to select the names (since there is [...]
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File Last Updated:
March 10, 2011
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde March 10, 2011.