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Trail of Cthulhu: The Rending Box

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In an antiques shop in North London, there is a box. Inside the box is an ancient creature, seeping through into the world. It will show the Investigators the universe as it really is.

The Rending Box is the final Purist adventure for Trail of Cthulhu. The previous scenarios, The Dying of St Margaret's, The Watchers in the Sky and The Dance In The Blood have hinted about an immense, fecund creature, spawning beneath the soil of the Lake District.

In The Rending Box, the Investigators see that creature. Indeed, they may discover everything: the patterns behind the universe, the monsters older than time, the secrets that break your mind. And all they need to do is open a box.

This is the fourth and final installment of Graham Walmsley's Purist Adventure series, comprising of The Watchers in the Sky, The Dying of St Margaret's and The Dance in the Blood.



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Megan R. [Crítico destacado]
March 7th, 2017
This adventure comprises the final revelation in Graham Walmsley's series of Purist adventures. This may sound a little strange, each adventure has been presented as a one-off with the recommendation that you use the pre-generated characters provided [...]
October 22nd, 2012
I have to say, I really love this adventure module. It's a very nice read. The Mythos entities and the story befit each other, there's plenty to spark players' imagination, well-described. It just left me with the impression that the author had a good [...]
Michael H. [Crítico destacado]
March 21st, 2012
Graham Walmsley really knows how to take classic Lovecraftian tropes to create original and yet very "authentic" Trail of Cthulhu scenarios. The Rending Box is another investigation designed for Purist-mode adventure which highlights the horr [...]
Flames R. [Crítico destacado]
November 7th, 2011
Graham Walmsley’s The Rending Box is moderate-sized (30 pages with handouts) adventure for Trail of Cthulhu (though it could be modified for Call of Cthulhu with little hassle). While it isn’t an overly challenging adventure, it perhaps puts too mu [...]
Gokce M. A. [Crítico destacado]
August 29th, 2011
From hands of Graham Walmsley, this adventure is a good piece of Lovecraftian Horror. If you played adventures before, this holds one or two surprises for you, I hope you kept that campaign notes. The mystery unweaves as Investigators find clues and ar [...]
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File Last Updated:
July 11, 2011
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde July 11, 2011.