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Battlemap for the Old watermill
Publisher: Lord Zsezse Works
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/28/2010 13:13:35
Although the art is really good the price is really high. You will be paying 3.45$ for 6 pages of art. Presenting 1.5 inch squares is really unnecessary as almost all of the printers have enlarge option available. Even if it is not the case, why should I pay double price for a product which I can use only half ? Bu my biggest disappointment is the black filler. As it is it is not possible to print the maps. The places which should be white are filled black :( and I am not talking about the walls. I hope the publisher will eighter use layer technology or just leave those places blank. If that is corrected the product is 3 ***; (it is still too expensive); but as it is the good art is of no use an it is only a single star.

Now that was my view when I purchased the product. Since then its regular price dropped by 0,5$. And today I received a message stating the black filling was removed. I was really excited, because the art was really good. Although what the producer did was a simple crop of black parts and pasting it on a white background. That is a cheap trick someone can do with any paint program. As a result what you get is black walls, then a layer of black filling, then white background. It is not up to the standard of the art used elsewhere. So even though the price is lowerd a bit the rating is still only ***

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Battlemap for the Old watermill
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Dark Lord Set
Publisher: Arion Games
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/26/2010 03:24:28

Wow, simply one of the best. It is very focused, but within its target it achieves what it aims. Never before the line had so many choices of a determined target. Usually there where (2-3)x3 examples of the same "uniform", now there are 12 :) I usually enlarge each image 5-6 times. All the figures pass this test as each is sharp and detailed. Best of all it is 0.5$, which can't be beaten.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Lord Set
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36 NPC Secrets
Publisher: Scavenger Studios
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/23/2010 23:26:47

I bought this after reading the reviews of other products. The price was low, and donated to UNICEF. Unfortunately the contents are a total failure. If you are going to be satisfied by a NPC's secret that she is a thief, or a crossbreed, or one of the listed mental illnesses, then go ahead. You will be donating to a good cause. But if you are expecting imaginative content then stay away from this and make your donation directly.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
36 NPC Secrets
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Apocalypse Set
Publisher: Arion Games
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/07/2010 02:23:51

Arion games is the leading source for paper minuatures. I have almost all the sets. Unfortunatly this one seems to fail the high standart of the rest. The figures are blury as if they were rushed. I like to enlarge the pdf to check the details and with this one all is lost :( Also basically 4 figures + their mounted versions is a bit expensive for the price tag of 2,5$.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Apocalypse Set
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for your comments. Our investigations have shown that this set was created with sub-optimal image resolution during the pdf writing stage. This has now been corrected and the files updated.
0 hr: Sailing Ships
Publisher: 0-hr
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/13/2010 11:52:09

Nice and sharp maps. The price is great also :) The maps have borders and can fit to whatever size paper you are using. This also enables the assembly very easy. I higly suggest these.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
0 hr: Sailing Ships
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Fantastic Maps: The Ice Temple
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/26/2009 03:21:17

" Unlike the previous reviewers, I will approch from the practical side. I must admit that the quality of the maps are high, although for me they are practically useless. First of all, the product is formatted for letter size papers. It is ok if you are an American, but on the Europe continent it is hardly the standart. If the artist would just put borders to each page and had kept the width of art to 7 inch the problem could be avoided. Unfortunatly many companies simply do not bother. If you still go and decide to paint the maps, you will end up having the most expensive map set. Even acrobat 6 is coming with multi layer option. So why can't I simply decide not to spent ink for the dark brown filler, and have that part white. Yes there is B/W option but that makes most of the details and art get lost.

At its presnt condition, the product is good for VT applications, or if you are willing to spend a fortune printing. On the other hand the art is really good, and the price is affordable. "

Now the above was my previous comment on the product. Just one day later a mail from Rite publishing poped up. They are stating that a light color and an A4 competiable version was added. That means they are closely fallowing user feedback, and quick to react. I must thank them for the excellent public relations.

On the fnal product I did not saw the maptool packs they were referring on the mail. Although the modified map corrects all my objections, and is good enough for me. The pages are now 6,5 x 9 inch/square. So y can use with any sized paper you like. Although for some reason the lay out is 1/8 sq + 6 sq + 1/5 sq in width. The length is similiarly oddly formatted. But this does not effect the usefulness of the whole. The art is great. As it is I highly recommend it to those who look unique locations. As soon as other members of the set are similiarly corrected, I will buy them :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fantastic Maps: The Ice Temple
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Creator Reply:
I wanted to give an extra special thank you to Secuk Gozubuyuk an extra special thank you for taking the time to do an updated revieew, Steve Russell; Rite Publishing.
Fantastic Maps: The Ice Temple
Publisher: Rite Publishing
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/22/2009 08:04:11

Unlike the previous reviewers, I will approch from the practical side. I must admit that the quality of the maps are high, although for me they are practically useless. First of all, the product is formatted for letter size papers. It is ok if you are an American, but on the Europe continent it is hardly the standart. If the artist would just put borders to each page and had kept the width of art to 7 inch the problem could be avoided. Unfortunatly many companies simply do not bother. If you still go and decide to paint the maps, you will end up having the most expensive map set. Even acrobat 6 is coming with multi layer option. So why can't I simply decide not to spent ink for the dark brown filler, and have that part white. Yes there is B/W option but that makes most of the details and art get lost.

At its presnt condition, the product is good for VT applications, or if you are willing to spend a fortune printing. On the other hand the art is really good, and the price is affordable.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
I would like to thank Selcuk Gozbuyuk, for taking the time to do a review of this product, I would also state that based on his review it now comes with an A4 version, a light colour version and greyscale version. The pack also includes the maptool packs (OGL and 4E) with light and shade as well as a couple of different runic circles as separate pngs.<br><br> We have attached the new cover too. <br><br> If you think of any other way we can improve this product don't hesitate to contact us. <br><br> Steve Russell<br>
Undead of Ados
Publisher: Tangent Games
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/10/2009 09:53:16

I personally like monster products that give more then a list of stats. Undead of Ados is an axcellent example of a detailed monster manual. Each entity is covered in 3+ pages. After reading the entry, you will have the exact niche the creature will fill in your campaign. You will also have answers for almost all questions your players come up with, from ecology to monster lore checks. There are enough suprises for each creature and the mechanics are solid. In short this is the type of product that other companies should look up to.

The only shortcoming is, I was expecting monster icons of each creature, like those in the Brixbrix's Field Guide to the Creatures of Ados. I can make my own from the well drawn pictures of each entry, but still one looks for perfection :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Undead of Ados
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Creator Reply:
Selcuk, We are glad you liked Undead of Ados. We'll see what we can do about about adding the creature icons for everybody in this book as a free download on our website. Geoff & Coy Tangent Games
Mad Wizard's Laboratory
Publisher: Encompass
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/11/2009 02:14:43

I had purchased "The Octagon" from this line. There were several problems, which I reported to customer service. Within minutes I got an answer and had a complete refund. Mr Jeff Montgomery then tried to solve the problems. For me that is excellent customer support and I thank you for that.

Encompass on the other hand has been terrific. I got contacted 5-6 times to get my opinion. I am in RPG games since mid 80's and never before met such caring customer support. Bravo.

In order to make the tiles suitable for A-4 size Encompass reduced size to 8x10 squares per page. There are still no cut borders, but it is probably a personal tase then a real issue. As it is the tiles fit quite well. I am sure the company will be adding 2 pages for secret door and traps of the product. (They are visable now)

I personally like light color use on the bases of tiles, ands thats what you get. This enables the art of the tiles to shine. Details are every where and color use is sharp. The system free notes are also a nice touch. They have good details which you might want to adapt. The terminology used is no alien to D20 users.

The product certainly deserves 6,95 price tag. I hope there will be more modular ones in the coming months in which the user can make some arragements. I certainly recommend this and the other two products. Even if you do not need the locations, they pleasure to look at.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mad Wizard's Laboratory
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Caer Dowdan Moor 25mm Battle Plans
Publisher: Darkfuries Publishing
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/03/2009 11:33:37

There are so many similar products on the market, and I belive it is a shame Darkfuries Publishing has not gotten its share of attention. Unfortunatly they are out of market so this excellent line does not grow any more.

The usual presentation is 6x8 suqare per page. Art work is excellent. I personally do not like excessive dark color use, and their colors are sharp & easy to eyes. The B/W version is almost as beautiful as the color version. Unlike its competitors, it is not simply grayed out versin of color ones. They are specially rendered for B/W printing. Too bad they are no longer in business

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Caer Dowdan Moor 25mm Battle Plans
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Orientals II Set
Publisher: Arion Games
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/09/2009 11:18:45

I am a great fan of Arion figures. This set is no exception to their high standards. It consists of not only Japanese figures but a more generic Eastern look. Personally would love to see more of monks and ninjas with traditional weapons. The set does not have figures with bright colors and all but one are male figures. The first is fine, although more female figures would be nice.

In general I strongly suggest this set although more female and martial arts charecters would be nice.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Orientals II Set
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Counter Collection Digital v3.0
Publisher: Fiery Dragon
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/04/2009 09:39:49

If you happen to own the gold edition, like I do, then this is a total rip off. I had expected most of the counters to be duplicates of previously released one, but was expecting unique art for 4e. Instead more than half of the 4e counters are also duplicates of old ones. As far as customer respect Fiery Dragon gets a plain zero. About the art, it is top notch. Claudio Pozas really shines and I strongly suggest his work to all.

So if you do not own any of Claudio Pozas' work, this is a good opportunity to start. But if you are to be one of the naive customers to believe the advertisement and hope for a decent amount of new art, stay away from this product. It is a total rip of. I will personally do not purchase any more of the Fiery Dragon goods any more.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Counter Collection Digital v3.0
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The Island Of Ice Maggot: Strange Coast
Publisher: The Forge Studios
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/18/2008 09:25:38

This is my second review of Forge Studios' new line of outdoor tiles. I have already stated the outstanding qualities for The Bloody Desert Part2 - The Red Scorpions Camp. This one has the same. It is really cheap (you get 40 tiles for 8$, at least double of similar products). The art and details really shine. Unlike the previous tile sets of the company these sets are not dark and ink consuming. This also enables the details to shine, you do not need a magnifier to see them. I also noticed that the landmarks are cleverly put. They are player friendly, do not spill into unnecessary squares to make cover and other details hard to decide. Unlike The Red Scorpions Camp 2 set there are no "live" landmarks (animals) which makes this set more versatile. The is a boat that takes 3 coastal tiles, but if you do not want it, there are plenty clear coast tiles. I have most of the SkeletonKey tile sets. (They are very nice too) Although these are more versatile. I also prefer the art and back ground of these to them. Plus you get much more tiles.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Island Of Ice Maggot: Strange Coast
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The Bloody Desert Part2 - The Red Scorpions Camp
Publisher: The Forge Studios
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/18/2008 08:22:19

This is an excellent tile set. The Forge Studios always produce quality items, and this is no exception. Some of older products used to be a little expansive, although with this one is not. You will get much more than what other competitors offer. The tiles are 6x6 enabling easy customization. There are several which are ment to go together, the biggest being 2 by 2. There are two tents with the set one consists of 2 tiles the other 4. For each you also get a closed and an open version of the interior. The 4 tile one even has an alternate interior. The artwork and attention to details is perfect. The only critique I would say is some tiles (an animal pen) has horses printed. This reduces the customization value. Personally I would have preferred one without set animals. Still I believe this is a must have for those who collect tile sets.

Note : I hope there will be a future set which has cliffs and other different altitute scenery. :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Bloody Desert Part2 - The Red Scorpions Camp
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0 hr: Amber Hart Inn
Publisher: 0-hr
by selcuk g. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/18/2008 14:21:02

This is a very detailed map set of a medium size inn. The details and stats are system free, which also means there is some work to prepare. This is not a big deal, although I found the maps too much of ink consuming. The black & white version is far from the quality of the color version, but the color version is sure to finish your cartage. If there could be a balance between two, then it would be perfect. As it is, a pleasure to look at, but costly to print. An other note, the single page map, that shows every thing could have been better scaled, like each square beeing 5 mm across. Never the less it is a high quality product that I would recomend.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
0 hr: Amber Hart Inn
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